| General information about the GISC-Moscow | | |  For a long time at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to provide information the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) was used. Now the GTS is moving into to the WMO Information System, which uses modern technology for data management and production of national meteorological services and remote access to data and services.
The Russian segment of the WMO Information System (R-WIS) is the "core" of the Integrated information and telecommunication systems for collecting, sharing, delivery and distribution of hydrometeorological information and information about environmental pollution created in Roshydromet, and is designed for the international exchange of information within the WIS. Currently, the main technical solutions of the construction of the WIS-R and the prototype of the data management system were developed.
The Global Centre for Information Systems WMO (GISC / GISC - PG "Aviamettelekom") is a major center of R-WIS and has been collecting and disseminating global information structure is defined by WMO, Guide N 9 (including C1), its backup and restore if necessary. GISC is an entry point through the unified portal, users and metadata catalog, for all requests for information, WIS. The portal involved mechanisms for the dissemination of information through subscription and support requests for the data sets specified by the user interactively.
Connected to the GISCs data collection and production (DCPC / DCPC - FGBU "RIHMI-WDC" and other designated agency Rosgidromet) responsible for the collection and production of sets of regional or specialized data, forecast products, the other problem-oriented information, as well as its distribution and archiving.
National Centres (NC / N - AHEM / CHEM Hydromet) collect and disseminate data at national level, as well as coordinate or authorize the use of the WIS by national users through procedures established by the permanent representative to the WMO.
Through the Portal of GISC, you can: Access to data on the basis of Resolution 40 and 25 WMO, federal law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", "The Meteorological Service." According to these documents, R-WIS provides:
- free and unlimited access to information classified to the basic information of WMO (hereinafter - the publicly available information);
- access to additional information generated by the national hydro-meteorological services (including, Roshydromet), under the owner (owner) information (hereinafter - the confidential information)
Membership information to the public or confidential metadata recorded in the registration resource center R-WIS data provider. All data coming into the system via the WMO GTS, are public information.
Access to public information in the "challenge-response" is provided without any conditions. To disseminate information on subscription required user registration.
To gain access to restricted data, follow these steps: - Register as portal user, specify detailed information about yourself.
- Using specifal form, justify your need for the role (to provide information about your organization, which is supposed to use the data, etc.).
- Wait for the confirmation and notification from the administration of the R-WIS portal
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| Customer registration | | |
Dear visitor! Currently free user registration is not available. Request for
the user account can be send by email gisc@mecom.ru
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| DCPC JCOMM metadata and data are now available on GISC Moscow | | |
DCPC JCOMM metadata and data are now available on GISC Moscow (WIS-DCPC-JCOMM set). Additionally, metadata viewing page has been upgraded - it includes now map viewer and bounding box according to the spatial coverage of data, links to data files (for download) and user interface (if available). Example: http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru:8080/geonet/xmltransform?task=info&uuid=RU_RNODC_08
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Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:05:53 GMT
Thu, 29 Sep 2016 09:08:14 GMT
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Obninsk, RIHMI-WDC | | |