WIS Monitoring View


Centre:GISC Moscow [RU]

Timestamp UTC:2024-11-09T00:02:00Z


Contact information

  • Phone:
  • Email: gisc@mecom.ru
  • Portal URL:http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/portal/
  • OAI URL:http://meta.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/openwis-portal/srv/en/oaipmh
  • SRU URL:http://meta.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/openwis-portal/srv/en/portal.sru
  • Own monitoring:http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/portal/portal/gisc-user/monitoring
  • Cache URL:http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/wismonitor/1.1/cache.json
  • Events URL:http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/wismonitor/1.1/events.json
  • Centres URL:http://portal.gisc-msk.wis.mecom.ru/wismonitor/1.1/centres.json

Backup GISC:

  • GISC Toulouse [FR]
  • GISC Offenbach [DE]


  • RMDCN URL:http://rmdcn.ecmwf.int/p/techinfo/_cricket/png/CPE-AVIR1-IPVPN-156592/
  • RMDCN SUB:http://rmdcn.ecmwf.int/p/techinfo/_cricket/png/CPE-AVIR1-IPVPN-156593/
  • RMDCN DR:null

Metadata Catalogue stats:

  • Number of Metadata: 138199
  • Number of changes: insert, modify: 0
  • Number of delete: 0

Cache 24 hour stats:

  • Number of product instances: 116002
  • Size of cache: 813248119
  • Number of product instances missing metadata: 64310
  • Size of product instances missing metadata: 196218446
  • Number of unique products missing metadata: 920
  • Number of unique products missing metadata AoR: 0


  • Status Portal: true
  • Status OAI: true
  • Status SRU: true
  • Status distribution system: true

Status distribution system. Responce time:

Timestamp UTC:2024-11-09T10:10:00Z

CentreЦентр Portal URL OAI URL SRU URL
GISC Offenbach [DE] 0.177 0.171 0.184
GISC Toulouse [FR] 0.119 -1 -1
GISC Beijing [CN] 1.913 0.565 0.279
GISC Brasilia [BR] 0.739 0.552 0.502
GISC Exeter [GB] -1 -1 -1
GISC Jeddah [SA] -1 -1 -1
GISC Melbourne [AU] -1 -1 -1
GISC New Delhi [IN] 0.363 0.35 0.359
GISC Seoul [KR] 0.87 0.562 0.593
GISC Tehran [IR] 0.457 0.262 0.451
GISC Tokyo [JP] 1.407 1.659 1.57
GISC Washington [US] -1 -1 -1
GISC Casablanca [MA] -1 -1 -1
GISC Pretoria [ZA] -1 -1 -1

Cache: GISC Moscow & NCs:

Centre Number of Metadata Number of product instances Size of cache Number of product instances missing metadata Size of product instances missing metadata Number of unique products missing metadata
NC Armenia [AM] 12 34 20396 0 0 0
NC Azerbaijan [AZ] 12 394 37088 0 0 0
NC Belarus [BY] 36 219 61587 0 0 0
NC Georgia [GE] 8 22 9073 0 0 0
NC Kazakhstan [KZ] 52 353 564522 0 0 0
NC Kyrgyzstan [KG] 3 12 16119 0 0 0
NC Republic of Moldova [MD] 5 64 13903 0 0 0
NC Tajikistan [TJ] 3 33 9343 0 0 0
NC Turkmenistan [TM] 5 95 50741 0 0 0
NC Ukraine [UA] 23 47 21153 0 0 0
NC Uzbekistan [UZ] 20 254 137522 0 0 0
GISC Russian Federation [RU] 2967 5308 285248698 0 0 0